Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How is the future world? Who can lead the world? 21-22 century, the world pattern and how exactly? (Fang Ruida)

How is the future world? Who can lead the world? 21-22 century, the world pattern and how exactly? (Fang Ruida)
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The economy is the most important and primary survival of a nation's nation. Including agriculture, industry, transportation, mineral, electromechanical, aerospace, information electronics, machinery manufacturing, atomic energy, military, shipbuilding, energy, trade and so on. Especially the real economy, agricultural engineering, mechanical engineering, etc. more so. The foundation of a country's foundation is the first of these industries. Financial, banknotes mainly include the important real economy, of course, including scientific research and other software intelligence departments and industries. Europe and the United States and China and India and Pakistan and other countries have considerable strength and potential. The world's major military enterprises Sukhoi Design Bureau, Design Bureau "Ruby, Sukhoi Aircraft Experimental Design Bureau

European Aerospace Defense Group,

Lockheed Martin, General Dynamics, etc., American Computer, China Aviation Industry Group, among the best in the world. Competition, the reality is the competition of science and technology, new technology, new design, new products, new technology, new materials, new energy, new inventions, new creation of comprehensive competition. Competition does not have to panic, competition is a good thing, the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, the supernatural powers, there is no strong competition, history will not move forward, the times will not advance. No iron and steel bronze with the Paleolithic competition, humans can not get out of the ape-man animal circle; no steam engine revolution can not beat the old power horse car and the like; no rocket technology human beings can only stay on the earth forever. Material power is often the master of reality, often able to overcome the simple concept of human subjective consciousness, because of its practicality and the most basic and most important material. So, who is the world leader, science and technology leader, leading the economy, leading cultural civilization is very important. You can not simply guide the world with nuclear weapons, it is in desperate, embattled. For millions of years, the ancients of the ape want to climb the moon, helpless days high, it is difficult to ascend, let alone on the moon. And only after the invention of the rocket, the first human landing on the moon, in order to truly stand on the moon, all other wonderful fantasy myth naturally vanished.

 The rapid development of the world, the increasingly fierce technical and economic competition. Any country and nation will do much. Leading the world trend is mainly economic, technical and economic, new technology and new products and new products of new inventions and new inventions, of course, including political, cultural, military, education, resources, population, science, etc., single money, single nuclear missile aircraft carrier Aircraft, though strong, but not enough to truly become a world leader, must be in need of other support and support. Modern political civilization, technological innovation is indispensable.

Religione genica, psicologia religiosa fisiologica, sociologia religiosa, cultura religiosa、(Fangruida)

  Merry Christmas and happy New Year!(Fangruida)

Christian representative works
The book "Introduction to Christianity", "Introduction to Christian Theology", "Christian Theology Essence", "God's Righteousness", "Historical Theology", "Theology of Science", "Old Testament", "New Testament", "The Bible "," Doo Jehovah Biography "," Friends of German De Chuan "," Ma Jia Bo Shang "," Ma Jia Bo under "and so on.

The main festival of Christianity
Christian main festivals are: christmas, feast, festival, holy day, holy day (Halloween), Catholic and Orthodox, holy descent, holy moon, naming day and other festivals.

Christmas: December 25th. Originally the Roman mythology of the sun god Apollo's birthday; the Roman Empire to Christianity as the state religion after the day to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
The day before Easter Friday, to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Easter: Between 21 March and 25 April, the first Sunday of the annual chronological circle commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving: (North American Christian traditional festivals, not universal Christian festivals) November fourth Thursday (US), or October third Saturday (Canada).

Christian representative works
The book "Introduction to Christianity", "Introduction to Christian Theology", "Christian Theology Essence", "God's Righteousness", "Historical Theology", "Theology of Science", "Old Testament", "New Testament", "The Bible "," Doo Jehovah Biography "," Friends of German De Chuan "," Ma Jia Bo Shang "," Ma Jia Bo under "and so on.

The main festival of Christianity
Christian main festivals are: christmas, feast, festival, holy day, holy day (Halloween), Catholic and Orthodox, holy descent, holy moon, naming day and other festivals.

Christmas: December 25th. Originally the Roman mythology of the sun god Apollo's birthday; the Roman Empire to Christianity as the state religion after the day to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.
The day before Easter Friday, to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

Easter: Between 21 March and 25 April, the first Sunday of the annual chronological circle commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Thanksgiving: (North American Christian traditional festivals, not universal Christian festivals) November fourth Thursday (US), or October third Saturday (Canada).

 Christianity is the most religious religion in the world. Christianity is formed in the western part of Asia and is mainly concentrated in Europe, the Americas and Oceania. Christianity is the religion of Jesus Christ as the Savior. Roman Catholicism, Protestant churchs, Orthodoxy, Christian Maron, etc. Christianity - Chinese "Christianity" is often referred to as Protestantism (also known as "Jesus"), the three sects (Catholicism , Orthodox and Protestantism) and the Christian Maronites are collectively referred to as the term "Christianity". But in this entry, "Christianity" refers to "Christianity", that is, rather than Protestant. At present, Christianity in the world has about 2.14 billion believers, the most religious for the believers, the fastest growing in Asia and Africa. Its classics are "the Bible".

There is a mine for silver and a place where gold is refined. Iron is taken from the earth, and copper is smelted from ore.

Turn from evil and do good; then you will dwell in the land forever.

He who is full loathes honey, but to the hungry even what is bitter tastes sweet.
  Wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness.
The study of the origin of religion is the anthropology of religion, the main theory of all things spiritual theory, all things spiritual theory, witchcraft theory, primitive monotheism, functional theory, mythological structure theory and language disease theory, before Four are evolutionary school, the latter three are cultural circle school. The founder of religion, Mueller, in the "origin and development of religion" that the origin of religion is the "infinite existence" of faith. Religious sociologist Durkheim advocates that religion originated from "totem worship", in addition, the original theory, social religion, religious culture, human natural consciousness theory, the human nature of religion, the human nature of the existence of human beings within the "infinite" instinct or ability , Gene feedback, animal evolution, gene generalization, etc. (focusing on natural science and philosophy and social science comprehensive study). Many of the world famous theological school, the author early in several colleges in the short term work, study religious religion religious philosophy and related natural science research, feeling deep. For example, Harvard University Theological Seminary
Yale University Theological Seminary
Princeton Theological Seminary
Duke University School of theology
University of Notre Dame
Oxford University Theological Seminary
Cambridge University Theological Seminary
University of Edinburgh
University of Munich, Germany, and so on. Another example is the Buddhist Academy,
More well known Chinese Buddhist College (Beijing), Jiuhua Mountain Buddhist College (Anhui, Jiuhuashan), Putuo Mountain Buddhist College (Zhoushan, Putuo Mountain), Minnan Buddhist College (Xiamen) and so on.
Religion is the natural and inevitable product of human history. The influence of religion is indeed great. Of course, the world in addition to the three major religions, there are other religions, polytheism, pantheism, creation theory, and so on and atheism.
Christianity: 2.1 billion
2) Islam: 1.5 billion
3) Hinduism: 900 million
4) Chinese folk religion: Taoism and so on
5) Buddhism: 376 million
6) African folk religion: 100 million
7) Sikh: Twenty-three million
8) Judaism: 14 million
9) Bahá'í teach: seven million
10) Jainism: 4.2 million.

    The development of human history is very complex and long, and religion is extraordinary in its process. Religious research is very important. Whether it is theistic theory of godism or atheism or other views, we must seriously study the inherent nature and development of change, which is essential for the development of mankind. Religious culture, religious sociology, religious philosophy, religious anthropology, religious psychophysiology, religious consciousness, religious genetics, religion into religion, religious worship, religious natural structure, religious social structure, religious will behavior Wait.

C'è una miniera d'argento e un luogo in cui l'oro è raffinato. Il ferro viene tolto dalla terra e il rame è fuso da minerale.

Ruota dal male e fa il bene, allora dimorerai in terra per sempre.

Colui che è pieno odio miele, ma per gli affamati anche quello che è amaro dolce dolcezza.
La sapienza è migliore della follia, proprio come la luce è migliore dell'oscurità.

Opere cristiane rappresentanti
"Introduzione al cristianesimo" funziona "la teologia cristiana Introduzione", "la teologia cristiana testi essenza", "giustizia di Dio", "teologia storica", "la teologia scientifica", "Antico Testamento", "Nuovo Testamento", "Bibbia "" Tobia "" Giuditta "e" l'on Majia Bo "" Majia Bo verso il basso "e così via.

La festa principale del cristianesimo
Le principali feste cristiane: Natale, Venerdì Santo, Pasqua, Ascensione, festa di Ognissanti (Halloween), ecc, così come la Chiesa cattolica e ortodossa Pentecoste, festa dell'Assunta, il nome del giorno e altre feste.

Natale: 25 dicembre. Originariamente mitologia romana, il sole il compleanno di dio Apollo, dopo l'impero romano al cristianesimo come religione di stato cambiato a questo giorno per commemorare la nascita di Gesù Cristo.
Il giorno prima del venerdì di Pasqua, per commemorare la crocifissione di Gesù Cristo.

Pasqua: tra il 21 marzo e il 25 aprile la prima domenica dopo il cerchio cronologico annuale commemora la risurrezione di Gesù Cristo.

Ringraziamento: (Festività tradizionali cristiane nordamericane, non festivals cristiane universali) giovedì 4 novembre (USA), o ottobre terzo sabato (Canada).

 Il cristianesimo è la religione più religiosa del mondo. Il cristianesimo si forma nella parte occidentale dell'Asia e si concentra principalmente in Europa, America e Oceania. Il cristianesimo è la religione di Gesù Cristo come Salvatore. Cristianesimo - Il "cristianesimo" cinese è spesso definito come protestantesimo (noto anche come "Gesù"), le tre sezioni (cattolicesimo) , Ortodosso e protestantesimo) ei maroniti cristiani sono definiti collettivamente come il termine "cristianesimo". Ma in questa voce, "cristianesimo" si riferisce a "cristianesimo", cioè piuttosto che protestante. Attualmente, il cristianesimo nel mondo ha circa 2,14 miliardi di credenti, il più religioso per i credenti, il più veloce in Asia e in Africa. I suoi classici sono "la Bibbia".

Origini religiose di disciplina religiosa dell'antropologia (Antropologia della religione), la teoria principale di animismo, prima che l'animismo, la teoria stregoneria, monoteismo originale, teoria delle funzioni, la teoria dei disturbi teoria della struttura mito e la lingua, prima di Quattro sono scuole di evoluzione, le ultime tre sono la scuola culturale del cerchio. Muller, fondatore di Scienze Religiose "l'origine e lo sviluppo della religione" nella origine della religione è la fede nella "esistenza infinita" del pensiero. radici religiose presenti negli esseri umani del tipo di comprensione istinto "illimitato" o la capacità, la religione il sociologo Durkheim sosteneva la religione origine nel "totem" Inoltre, la teoria originale, l'etica socio-religiosa, la religione e la teoria culturale, teoria della coscienza umana naturale il feedback gene Lun, dell'evoluzione animale, teoria del gene, e quindi la generalizzazione (soprattutto dalle scienze naturali e filosofia e scienze sociali ricerca completa). Molti di fama mondiale seminario, ho fatto breve lavoro dei suoi primi anni in diversi college, Studi Religiosi Filosofia della cultura religiosa Religione e relativo ricerca delle scienze naturali, ha forti sentimenti. Ad esempio, il seminario teologico dell'Università di Harvard
Seminario Teologico dell'Università Yale
Seminario teologico di Princeton
Duke University School of Theology
Università di Notre Dame
Seminario teologico dell'Università di Oxford
Seminario teologico dell'Università di Cambridge
Università di Edimburgo
Università di Monaco di Baviera, Germania e così via. Un altro esempio è l'Accademia buddista,
Ci sono più famoso buddista Academy of Cina (Pechino), Jiuhua Mountain Buddhist College (Anhui Jiuhua Mountain), Putuo Mountain Buddhist Institute (Zhoushan Putuo Mountain), Minnan Buddhist Institute (Xiamen) e così via.
La religione è il prodotto naturale e inevitabile dello sviluppo della storia umana. L'influenza della religione è davvero grande. Naturalmente, oltre ai tre maggiori religioni del mondo, così come le altre religioni, il politeismo, il panteismo, l'ateismo creazionismo e così via e così via.
Cristianesimo: 2,1 miliardi
2) Islam: 1,5 miliardi
3) Induismo: 900 milioni
4) Religione popolare cinese: Taoismo e così via
5) Buddismo: 376 milioni
6) religione popolare africana: 100 milioni
7) Sikh: Ventimila milioni
8) Giudaismo: 14 milioni
9) Bahá'í insegna: sette milioni
10) Jainismo: 4,2 milioni.

    La storia umana è lunga e complessa, la straordinaria influenza della religione nel corso. La ricerca religiosa è molto importante. Indipendentemente del teismo o dell'ateismo o il panteismo altro punto di vista, dobbiamo studiare attentamente la sua natura intrinseca e in continua evoluzione, che è essenziale per lo sviluppo umano. cultura religiosa, la sociologia della religione, filosofia della religione, antropologia religiosa, psicofisiologia religione, coscienza religiosa, la genetica religione, la religione evolutiva, culto religioso, la religione struttura naturale, la religione struttura sociale della scienza, la scienza del comportamento e le altre religioni saranno E così via.

Genetics, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion, religion Primitive animal - ape - modern human long and complex evolutionary process, animal gene anatomical maps and modern human genealogy, brain activity awareness, changes in the brain's advanced nervous system, changes in human structure and function, including animal-ape- The survival and development of modern human beings and the development of the whole natural environment and social environment, the origin, development and formation of religion. It actually shows that religion is the most basic of the most essential primitive animal nature, ecotype, nature and inevitability. The inevitable product of social development.

Therefore, regardless of theism, pantheism or atheism, should be a correct understanding and view of religion. (Cult is another matter, including extreme religiousism, radicalism, etc.). Modern society, rapid economic development, science and technology by leaps and bounds. Humans have entered the era of the moon, the era of Mars, the universe. However, religious or religious culture, and will not die. For example, the religious psychology of human psychology, religious secularization, religious commercialization, etc., but human genetic genetic variation will not change this. Religious or religious culture will continue to develop. Perhaps for thousands of years, perhaps tens of thousands of years, perhaps millions of years, the religious consciousness will still exist. Of course, after millions of years, if mankind is still alive, then, it is conceivable that religion may also undergo new changes. But this does not mean that the religious nature of human nature and social attributes will be completely demise. Unless the human brain and consciousness are completely replaced by the robot intelligence, the body and soul completely disappeared, and only pure mechanical brain robot dominated. Of course, millions of years time is too long, hundreds of thousands of years later, the future generations of human beings and how we look at everything we have done, including religion, culture, science and technology, awareness, totem worship, etc., is obviously absurd ridiculous. In fact, religion is the process of human evolution is a natural thing inevitable things, without fuss.

Par conséquent, indépendamment du théisme, du panthéisme ou de l'athéisme, devrait être une bonne compréhension et une vision de la religion. (Le culte est une autre affaire, y compris le religieux extrême, le radicalisme, etc.). La société moderne, le développement économique rapide, la science et la technologie à pas de géant. Les humains sont entrés dans l'ère de la lune, l'ère de Mars, l'univers. Cependant, la culture religieuse ou religieuse, et ne mourra pas. Par exemple, la psychologie religieuse de la psychologie humaine, la sécularisation religieuse, la commercialisation religieuse, etc., mais la variation génétique génétique humaine ne changera pas cela. La culture religieuse ou religieuse continuera à se développer. Peut-être pour des milliers d'années, peut-être des dizaines de milliers d'années, peut-être des millions d'années, la conscience religieuse existera encore. Bien sûr, après des millions d'années, si l'humanité est encore en vie, alors, il est concevable que la religion puisse également subir de nouveaux changements. Mais cela ne signifie pas que la nature religieuse de la nature humaine et des attributs sociaux sera complètement disparue. À moins que le cerveau humain et la conscience ne soient complètement remplacés par l'intelligence du robot, le corps et l'âme ont complètement disparu, et seul le robot du cerveau mécanique a dominé. Bien sûr, des millions d'années sont trop longues, des centaines de milliers d'années plus tard, les générations futures d'êtres humains et la façon dont nous regardons tout ce que nous avons fait, y compris la religion, la culture, la science et la technologie, la sensibilisation, le culte totem, etc., est évidemment absurde Ridicule En fait, la religion est le processus de l'évolution humaine est une chose naturelle inévitable, sans problème.

Genetics and Religion, Human Religious Chemistry, Religious Advanced Physiological Psychology, Natural Religion, Social Religion, Religious Culture and Animals - Ape Man - Natural Nature of Mankind - Natural and Social Studies of Religion (Fang Ruida)

How can the descendants of our descendants see and understand what our predecessors do today, if they can survive, whether living on earth or on the moon, or on the universe outside Mars or Mars? If the destruction of the earth, the universe collapses, that all the discussion becomes meaningless; if human beings survived, I think the descendants of the descendants will not laugh at ridicule our daily merits and demerits, on the contrary, they should rational reason To the tenacious life, to find nature from nature, to find society from society, to continue and continue this natural and inevitable historical procedures, although in front of still full of dangerous or even death extinction variables.

Génétique et religion, Chimie religieuse humaine, Religieux Psychologie physiologique avancée, Religion naturelle, Religion sociale, Culture religieuse et Animaux - Homme singulier - Nature naturelle de l'humanité - Etudes naturelles et sociales de la religion (Fang Ruida)

Comment les descendants de nos descendants peuvent-ils voir et comprendre ce que nos prédécesseurs font aujourd'hui, s'ils peuvent survivre, qu'ils vivent sur terre ou sur la lune, ou sur l'univers en dehors de Mars ou de Mars? Si la destruction de la terre, l'univers s'effondre, que toute la discussion devient sans signification: si les êtres humains survivent, je pense que les générations futures ne risqueront pas de nous ridiculiser aujourd'hui, Pour la vie tenace, pour trouver la nature de la nature, pour trouver la société de la société, continuer et continuer ces procédures historiques naturelles et inévitables, bien que devant des variables d'extinction dangereuses ou même mortes.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Monitoring and Forecasting and Forecasting of Natural Disasters in the Global Seismic and Tsunami (Fangruida)

Monitoring and Forecasting and Forecasting of Natural Disasters in the Global Seismic and Tsunami (Fangruida)

Save the earth's life, fight tens of thousands of atomic bomb energy earthquake tsunami

Earthquake and tsunami volcanic eruption Debris flow, landslides and meteorites falling into the earth and other major natural disasters seriously threaten the survival and development of human life and safety, and related major accidents, such as nuclear power plant leakage, dam collapse, flooding floods, chemical industry explosion , Epidemic epidemic, etc., worthy of the century disaster. Therefore, it is particularly important to study the prevention and prediction of these deadly special natural disasters. Not to mention the asteroid hit the earth, the earth exploded, the end of the world's danger endanger all mankind, any country and people, will suffer, life and property major losses, the degree of harm can not be imagined. For example, in 2010

January 12, Haiti 7.3 earthquake occurred, the Haitian government statistics show that the Haiti earthquake caused 270,000 deaths, more than 480,000 people displaced, more than 3.7 million people affected.

On 27 February, a magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile caused a tsunami, with 280 deaths and nearly 200 million people affected, with economic losses of $ 30 billion. March 11, 2011, Japan, 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred, and triggered a strong tsunami, resulting in major casualties and property damage. As of April the same year, the official confirmed 14063 people died, 13,691 people missing. On December 26, 2004, a strong earthquake and a tsunami occurred in the vicinity of Sumatra Island, Indonesia, and spread to a number of countries. More than 200,000 people were killed or missing, and hundreds of thousands were homeless. 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake, the magnitude of the earthquakes of the earthquake up to 8.0Ms, the moment magnitude of 8.3Mw (according to the US Geological Survey data, the moment magnitude 7.9Mw), seismic intensity of 11 degrees. The earthquake affected most of China and Asia, many countries and regions, north to Liaoning, east to Shanghai, south to Hong Kong, Macao, Thailand, Vietnam, west to Pakistan are shocked.

5.12 Wenchuan earthquake severely damaged areas of more than 100,000 square kilometers, as of September 18, 2008 12:00, 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake caused a total of 69,227 people were killed, 374643 people were injured, 17923 people missing, is also the Tangshan earthquake One of the worst earthquakes in casualties. July 28, 1976 3:42 and 53.8 seconds, Tangshan, Fengnan area, Hebei Province, China occurred in the intensity of 7.8 magnitude (magnitude magnitude 7.5) earthquake, epicenter intensity of 11 degrees, the focal depth of 12 km, 23 seconds. The earthquake killed 24,279 people and 16.4 million people were seriously injured. October 5, 1948, Turkmenistan's capital Ashgabat suffered a magnitude 7.3 earthquake, due to the poor earthquake resistance of local buildings, within a few minutes the city became a ruin. Although the former Soviet Union sent more than 1,000 doctors, nurses and other medical staff, but there are still 11 million people were killed. On December 28, 1908, a magnitude 7.5 earthquake occurred at the submarine of the Messina Strait between Sicily and Calabria in Italy and triggered a tsunami that destroyed 98 percent of the houses in Messina, About 123,000 people were killed. September 1, 1923, Japan's Kanto region occurred 7.9 strong earthquake, causing 14.28 million people were killed. Earthquake is coming, it is Japan's lunch time, many families are cooking, the earthquake makes the stove overturned, the fire spread the wind, triggering countless fires. Kanto Earthquake destroyed Japan's major economic and political center Tokyo, the important port Yokohama, and Shizuoka, Kanagawa, Chiba County, a total of 570,000 housing construction, 1.9 million people homeless. On 12 January 2010, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Haiti occurred in most of the areas of Port-au-Prince and Haiti, where most of the houses collapsed, more than 20 million were killed and 1.3 million were displaced and nearly 100,000 houses were destroyed. December 16, 1920, China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the southern part of Haiyuan County area 8.5 earthquake occurred. Seismic depth of 17 km, death 24 million people. Earthquakes led to river diversion, debris flow and landslides, and some villages were completely buried. 1556 years of Huaxia earthquake in Shaanxi, the magnitude of about 8. Earthquake spread to Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Gansu, Hebei, Shandong, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangsu, Anhui and other 11 provinces and more than 130 counties, some counties fall down. The earthquake, the death toll has a record of more than 830,000.

The world's large earthquake and strong earthquake tsunami volcanic eruption is particularly serious, therefore, the study of prevention and forecast monitoring has become the primary to prevent these major disasters.

   I study and monitor the long-term earthquake and tsunami, knowing that they are the greatest harm to mankind and damage, geological structure, seismic mechanisms, earthquake prediction, tsunami forecast, the moon earthquake, deep feeling.

    Geological activation field, seismic wave - field - domain rotation mechanism, long - term earthquake forecast - earthquake short - term early warning forecast global map, earthquake comprehensive forecasting system and so on.

5.5 180,000 tons in 1992, the United States of America in China Little Skull Mtn. Earthquake

6.0 1 million tons in 1994 the United States in the double Spring Spring earthquake

6.55 million tons 1994 Northridge earthquake

7.0 32 million tons of the largest atomic bomb seismic level energy comparison, a strong earthquake released by the total energy is very great. For example, a magnitude 7 earthquake is equivalent to nearly 30 twenty thousand tons of atomic bomb energy, an 8.5 earthquake energy equivalent to 1 million kilowatts of large power plants for 10 years the sum of electricity generation. Magnitude and energy are not a simple proportional relationship. Although the seismologists have a variety of calculation methods, here only to explain the degree of damage to the earthquake only. It is often said that the atomic bomb, hydrogen bomb explosion power, how much equivalent. The 2008 Wenchuan Richter magnitude 8.0 earthquake, which releases about 2.0 * 10 ^ 18 joules, is equivalent to 500 million tons of TNT explosives or 25,000 Hiroshima atomic bombs.

And there are: lg E = 11.8 + 1.5M
M is the magnitude of the Richter scale, E is the released energy in Joules.

The most powerful destructive forces in nature, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, plate movements, meteorite attacks, asteroids hit the Earth, the planet exploded, the Big Bang and so on, far more than the atomic bomb explosion energy. Therefore, mankind can only survive and develop in accordance with the law of nature, because mankind has no superior ability and strength to overcome the law of the universe and nature, can only adapt to adapt to nature, and gradually in some aspects of transformation for human survival.

The world has undergone tremendous changes. The peaceful development of human rights is the three goals of the United Nations and the ideals and goals of the whole world's permanent struggle. Although nature has a variety of special disasters, major earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc., and then nuclear threat nuclear war nuclear war. Therefore, the prevention of major natural disasters, but also on the world of nuclear terrorist attacks on nuclear nuclear leaks and possible nuclear war to raise the level of early warning, must not be taken lightly. Otherwise, the consequences could be disastrous, it is difficult to remedy. In this context, the denuclearization of peaceful development is the mainstream, and the relevant international conventions of the United Nations are increasingly supported by the majority of the countries and the majority of the people of the world. However, it is undeniable that there are some countercurrent and uncoordinated voices that require the high vigilance of the United Nations and the people of the world. It is of utmost importance for the people of the world to prevent nuclear proliferation, prevent nuclear terrorist attacks and prevent nuclear war. There are five kinds of atomic bomb explosion means:

The first is the light radiation, at the beginning of the explosion, a strong light, any direct view of the light must be blind, eyes of the vitreous into two water.

The second is the shock wave, the formation of the explosion will be flattened all the waves, breaking the radius of tens to hundreds of kilometers.

The third is the early nuclear radiation, nuclear radiation generated by a variety of radiation radiation on the biological harm. Nuclear radiation is mainly α, β, γ three kinds of rays:

Α-ray is a high-speed helium nuclei, ionization ability is very strong, but the penetrating ability is very weak, but inhalation of the body harm; β-ray is the electronic flow, after exposure to skin burns. These two kinds of rays due to the small penetration, the impact of the distance as long as the radiation source does not enter the body, the impact will not be too large; γ-ray penetration is very strong, is a very short wavelength of electromagnetic waves. Γ radiation and X-ray similar, can penetrate the human body and buildings, harm far away. Γ-ray radiation damage to the skin as follows: First, the slow onset of long course; Second, burn wounds repeatedly ulceration, prolonged unhealed, or even malignant.

The fourth is electromagnetic radiation, mainly on the wireless communications and electronics industry damage.

The fifth is radioactive contamination, because the atomic bomb can not make all the nuclear charge into the reaction, in fact, Hiroshima atomic bomb only 10% of the nuclear charge reaction, and the rest are floating as floating dust, air, soil and water Can form up to 20 years of long-term radioactive pollution. For human survival, environmental variation, water and soil pollution and other great harm. Therefore, the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency have repeatedly warned that it is worthy of our attention.

To sum up, to guard against all kinds of major natural disasters and vigilance nuclear terrorist attacks on nuclear pollution nuclear threat, is the major primary responsibility of all mankind. Otherwise, once there is any flaw, it will be a huge catastrophic consequences, unbearable. Damage, strong earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, asteroid impact, meteorite rain, natural disasters, and so on, in essence, and nuclear threat, human beings must be highly alert, take preventive measures,

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Between the stars and the particles ----- Fang Ruida And Fangruida biography.(Jem.K/Luka.N)

Between the stars and the particles ----- Fang Ruida And Fangruida biography.(Jem.K/Luka.N)

 Multilingual control global electronic version v 2011.1.6 revision online version, {
(Jem.K / Luuka.N 2011 Newyork Geneva Paris)

Translate: Willians.V}

Fangruida major discovery of natural science and great contribution to human beings and influence Jem.k / Luka. N. Fangruida (1950, shanghai) has a lot of stunning famous words, not anti-recorded here.

"If the planet stops turning, the universe naturally goes to silence; if the heart stops beating, life naturally goes to rest."

"The world and man, day after day, year after year, repeating everything in life."
"The world is full of the dawn, and it must be full of darkness and haze." Every day of the world will show colorful polyhedrons, both warm and cold, and there will be thorns, and there will be thorns; World and history Fantasy world is full of flowers roses, or everywhere is the grass weeds, are naive or ignorant.Human history footsteps can only be practical It 's hope that the world will advance step by step.
"There is no superman in the world, and there are only particles in the world - anyone, even if the great man is always a tiny tiny particle in front of the natural universe.
"Species and life are derived from particles or particles, when the life once disappeared, regardless of heaven, regardless of the ground, will be turned into particles, disappeared in the vast universe of dust, all attributed to nature or God's gift.""Do not think that mankind has been completely out of nature - the animal world, it is still relatively far away from the basic animal to the high Huihui rational animals need a very long historical process and natural process.

"The world is a combination of so many wild bitter and rare flowers."

"In the natural world can be forever in the priceless treasure only particles - the natural universe in front of the particles or dust, it should be understood as eternal existence.
"The world is both plain and bizarre, and they constitute the whole and the subject of human history, not the calmness of the dream, the singularity of the grotesque, which is history."
"In the infinite beauty of the depths of heaven, the first is the moon, and secondly, may be Mars or Jupiter satellite." Human hope and sustenance are in this.
"The world is like to voyage in the sea of ​​turbulence, sometimes calm, sometimes stirring, toward the distance slowly wandering."Do not think that mankind has been completely out of nature - the animal world, it is still relatively far away from the basic animal to the high Huihui rational animals need a very long historical process and natural process.

"The world is a combination of so many wild bitter and rare flowers."

 Indeed, between the stars and particles, people are a lot of emotion. For those who are familiar with his friends and unfamiliar with his friends, in fact, as long as they are familiar with these is enough. Professor Fang Ruida, an early experience in the world, especially the Eurasian continent, the Americas, Australia, the Arab world and even the Antarctic Poles, including the polar life circle, Of the essence of science and technology essence of religious philosophy Religious culture, and so on. So he repeatedly called himself a citizen of the world. "All the achievements of the whole world of mankind", which is his influence of the world and the history of permanent reasons. He insisted on criticizing and criticizing various personal myths, criticizing and criticizing all kinds of erroneous ideas, adhering to equality, freedom, democracy, reason, peace, opposition to extreme and extreme, and absurd ignorance and rampant. He has studied 25 languages ​​in his life, showing his breadth. For example, Greek philosophy, German philosophy, Indian philosophy, Confucius thought, Newton, Darwin, Romonov, Pushkin, Tagore, Einstein, Jesus, Mohammed, Sakyamuni Buddha, Bible, Qur'an, Buddhist, Balzac, Hegel, etc., eclectic , So his theory and research is indeed profound and profound, understood and accepted by the world is inevitable. All the results created by mankind should be studied, analyzed, rational anatomy, learning and inheritance. In fact, the history of their own 5,000 years, there are so rare and profound figures are very rare, very rare, in the history of all mankind in such a small number of stars. However, I have resolutely opposed to genius and the like, only to admit that it is only a natural particle only. Probably he was born in the field of natural science because of it, said the vivid, it is amazing.

Eternal idea, eternal nature, eternal universe ----- Fang Ruidaism and Fang Ruida
- Professor Fang Ruida (13,5,1950-, Shanghai, is a world famous natural scientist, inventor, astronomer, philosopher, thinker, writer, sociologist, religious scientist, anthropologist. Fangruida biography of a variety of versions and biography, most of them are relatively simple, most of the biography of the big head. It is said that Fangruida's life is simple and easy to oppose and criticize the myth of others, such as "genius" and "supernatural powers" and so on, and always advocate democracy, freedom, equality, fraternity, and resolutely criticize the myth of Individualism. Therefore, the world found little information about his personal biography, not to mention the bulk of the personal discipline.
He said: "There is no superman in the world, the world is forever hard to work in the vast fields of farming." "Genius is also starting from stupidity." "Anybody, great or Small, can not be a tiny particle in the face of a great natural universe, and even a tiny particle can not." It can be seen, fangruida ideas how firm and strong. The study of natural science, almost life- Lifely, he has always been strong, natural, dull, pragmatic style, which is probably always keepA low profile, natural, calm important reason. Of course, even after he became famous, he always kept this principle. Biography is very few, most of the head biography less {1} Jupiter in the center of the solar system, the movement of the solar system and the stability of many of the planet, the sun movement is essential. Furthermore, it is critical for the survival and evolution of extreme creatures in Earth's life or other extreme environments. Not because it is only a giant planet of great monsters, it is for the maintenance of the entire solar system and the existence of any life of the great relationship. {2} In the natural universe, the super-spin-super-spin-field field is a series of natural processes for the formation, development and change of the universe-material. In this paper, including the evolution of physical chemistry, steady, has a Super - spin, super - spin, super - spin vector, spin - polar. The The Organization and construct the vast and complex system of the universe, including the movement and evolution of particles. Gravitational, wave, field, etc. The hyperbolic field field is almost infinitely differentiable, and vice versa, it is infinitely integrable. The hyperdisable vector field is huge. In the whole nature of the universe, the ultra-hypermedia is everywhere, layers of intertwined, intertwined, organized to build celestial bodies running network, covering black holes, big bangs, gravitational, all kinds of substances, and even the particle system. (Circle is the most important mechanism of the evolution, the universe is complex and changeable, dangerous, is the only operating mechanism, but it is very important. {3} spatiotemporal reciprocal model of time-space reciprocating model, that Earthquake Pitch Field: Earthquake Pitch Field: Earthquake Pitch Field: Earthquake Pitch Field: Earthquake Pitch Field: Earthquake Pitch Field: Earthquake Pitch Field: In the cerebellum cortex with the corresponding sensitive areas or nerve cells, it is important to note that, in the case of cerebral cortex, , 6 {} Geological activation domain Geological structure, a substantial number of geological activation domain, it is almost all over the whole. (7) the biological mechanism of tumor vasoconstriction violous, tumor tumor formation for many reasons, genes, cells and other substrates in the same or physical degradation, the contamination of The conditions caused by the gradual formation of the tumor, including physical chemical lesions, spin spin, and even further spin it to spread expansion and expansion. The mechanism of the formation of severe tumors for the prevention of such diseases is of great significance. (8) Fragment Theorem Chemical synthesis, chemical derivatives, only in its strict chemical reaction process was carried out. Moreover, the expansion or derivatization of the same chemical can be achieved in all basic chemical reactions. For example, the development of chemical materials, polymer materials, pharmaceutical chemistry, chemical modification of chemical structure modification and differentiation. {9} Polar Polar Theorem Polar Polarization Polarization Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar Polar planet polar phenomenon , For the understanding of the Earth, the moon, Mars is very important, like a melon and two poles. {10} Rocket technology research, aerospace technology research: ultra-high-speed heavy-duty non-chemical fuel rocket design and development {11} High-speed heavy-duty non-traditional chemical rocket, twin-engine rocket, space medical Emergency technology, anti-radiation technology, and so on to create. "Rebuild a new earth", to the moon and Mars, cutting-edge technology to build a lot of fields. In addition, there are a lot of natural philosophy, social science, philosophy, religion, sociology, economics, anthropology, pedagogy, military science, literature, politics, international politics, futuristics, planet society, natural philosophy, Research, human rights development and future world development patterns, evolution, etc., the planet explodes with human contingencies and possibly end. Professor Fang Ruida is good at inheriting and learning all achievements and wisdom achievements of all mankind, good at dissecting and criticizing some ridiculous or extreme extreme, promoting the new social rational structuralIsm and the new natural rationalism, his doctrine and research, and complete, with immortal value. He has always advocated democracy and freedom and equality of love, against the myth of ideas and moral myth, he has always remarked himself as a primary school student, not what genius, but only the nature and the universe before negligible extremely small particles. His footprints all over the world, I have opposed and despised all arrogant psychological and ugly. Therefore, he has received universal praise throughout the world for all mankind. He said; "Everything comes from the world, all mankind and wisdom." His research and vision are not only on earth, but also in the moon, Mars, Jupiter, Galaxy, the solar system, the total galaxy, the universe; Not only the history of tens of thousands of years, but the present, the present and the future. Indeed, in the face of the great natural universe, how small human beings. ----------- Professor Fang Ruida and his outstanding human, who is a man of the world, And the world Dedication.
  Thousands of generations of talent, the master of the world. Fangruida is well deserved. "A man's pride brings him low, but a man of lowly spirit gains honor," "Wisdom is better than folly, just as light is better than darkness. The Bible is worth remembering.(Jem.K/Luka.N  2011  Paris)

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Walk/"Moon Technology Gold Award", "Mars Technology Gold Award", "Moon Technology Knight Medal", "Mars Knight Medal"-Fangruida-prize

"Moon Technology Gold Award", "Mars Technology Gold Award", "Moon Technology Knight Medal", "Mars Knight Medal" collectively referred to as the International Peace Prize in science and technology, also known as "Fangruida-prize" by the world famous physicist, astronomy Home, cosmologist, astronaut scientist, non-traditional chemical fuel high-speed heavy-duty rocket technology inventor Professor Fang Ruida and its research foundation, science and technology international peace prize Foundation Preparatory Committee (temporary), space technology research and design development company, business Technology companies such as the establishment of the International Science and Technology Award, for the world around the world, any country, organization, institutions and individuals can apply, but the need for 2-3 qualified experts and professors of the nomination or recommendation. The award is divided into lunar technology gold medal, Mars technical gold medal, Mars technical knight medal, moon technology knight medal, youth science and technology encouragement award, the main reward on the moon technology, the moon development and utilization, the moon transformation, the moon and other major innovations Technology, mature technology. Including Mars development, Mars use, Mars transformation, landing Mars and other major scientific and technological, invention and creation. There is no limit on the award, one person can repeat the award, the individual can apply for their own. Awards generally 2-3 people (team, organization), not the annual award, occasional awards, because major technology research and development experiments are fully mature need a great investment and development cycle. Awards to adopt the principle of rather lack of abuse, if not the vacancy, postponed. Existing technologies or technologies that have been implemented are not included in this range of incentives, such as detectors, traditional chemical heavy rockets, space stations, satellites, etc., which do not fall within this award. Major innovation inventions, new technology new inventions new creation, science and technology innovation award. Peaceful use of outer space, landing on Mars, the use of Mars, the moon transformation, the moon immigration, the development and utilization of Mars and lunar water resources and so on. This is the purpose of this award. The Preparatory Committee of the Awards may entrust the relevant organization agency agent to award the award and award application. Location Switzerland, France, New York, etc., decided otherwise. The medal pattern of the medallion is the theme of the Moon, the Martian Landform, the Polyphonic Gold Award, the Moon Gold Award, and the square image, the back of the earth, the geomorphic pattern, And Mars come in, beautiful and rich heaven is waiting for you. "The specific medal medal design plan to be finalized. Award interpretation of the right to belong to the Preparatory Committee or the development of the commission agency agency is still in the preparatory stage, the program and the regulations and details, etc. need to further develop the amendment because of Mars technology, Are cutting-edge technology, huge investment, research and development cycle and high risk and other reasons, the official launch of the award is yet to be.
Moon, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Asteroid, other planets have a lot of gold and rare metal reserves, estimated at 10 million tons -4000 million tons, the total value of about 830 trillion - US dollars and 960 trillion Between the dollar and the actual measured valuation, at least $ 1,000 trillion, perhaps more. But in terms of the moon, gold reserves are at least a few hundred trillion dollars as much. The moon is a huge cornucopia pot, priceless, rich in mineral deposits, in addition to iron, silicon, nuclear ore, there are a lot of gold storage. These have not been recognized by the people found to be able to explore mining extraction.

« Médaille d'or de la technologie Lunar », « Or la technologie Mars », « Moon Knight de la technologie », « Mars technologie Knight » collectivement la science et de la technologie du Prix international de la paix, également connu sous le nom « Fangruida-prix », par le physicien de renommée mondiale, l'astronomie maison, cosmologistes, scientifique de l'aérospatiale, le professeur Fang Rui Da inventeur non traditionnelle technologie chimique carburant de fusée lourde à haute vitesse et Fondation pour la recherche, la science et la technologie paix Prix de la Fondation Comité préparatoire (provisoire), la conception de la recherche de la technologie spatiale et société de développement, entreprise technologie Institut de recherche et d'autres prix scientifique et technologique internationale mis en place pour le monde global des pays, les organisations, les institutions et les particuliers peuvent demander, mais ont besoin des qualifications appropriées 2-3 d'experts et de professeurs de nomination ou d'une recommandation. Médaille d'or est divisé en médaille d'or de la technologie technique Lune, Mars, Chevalier de l'Ordre de la technologie Mars, Moon Knight de la technologie, la science et la technologie pour encourager les jeunes Award, une innovation majeure des grandes catégories de prix liées à la technologie lunaire, le développement et l'utilisation de la Lune, la transformation de la lune, comme la lune a la technologie, la technologie mature. Y compris le développement de Mars, l'utilisation Mars, transformant Mars, Mars et d'autres catégories de grandes inventions de la science et de la technologie. Prix ​​aucune limite, une personne peut répéter les gagnants, les individus peuvent vous appliquer. Prix ​​2-3 personnes (équipe, organisation), et non de l'année, les prix de temps en temps, car à part entière nécessite beaucoup d'investissement et le cycle de développement des grandes expériences de R & D. prix Ningquewulan au principe, sinon les postes vacants reportées. La technologie de l'art antérieur a été atteint ou non dans ce prix de gamme, tels que le détecteur, la surcharge des fusées chimiques classiques, stations spatiales, satellites, etc., ne fait pas partie de la portée de cette récompense. Les principales inventions de l'innovation, les nouvelles technologies et l'invention de la nouvelle création, prix de l'innovation technologique. L'utilisation pacifique de l'espace, l'atterrissage sur Mars en utilisant Mars, la réforme Lune, immigration Lune, Mars et le développement Lune et l'utilisation des ressources en eau et ainsi de suite. Tel est le but de ce prix a été créé. Le Comité préparatoire peut confier l'attribution des organisations correspondantes agent proxy demande de bourse d'attribution de prix et d'autres questions spécifiques. Localisation Suisse, France, New York, en décide autrement. La face avant de la médaille sont le paysage lunaire, la topographie Mars, abréviation multi-langue de la « médaille d'or Mars », « lune médaille d'or », les mots, et la tête bien aux investisseurs, à l'arrière du modèle, le modèle de la topographie de la Terre, et en disant bien des investisseurs: « à la lune et se lance sur Mars, la belle et riche dans le ciel en attendant que cela vous. « Conception spécifique Médaille Médaille à finaliser. Interprétation Prix dévolu au Comité préparatoire ou l'organisation commandée par l'agence de développement est maintenant encore dans la phase préparatoire, des programmes et des règlements et d'autres détails doivent développer une modification plus loin. Parce que la technologie Mars, la Lune technique appartient à la technologie de pointe dans un énorme cycle de développement à haut risque et d'autres raisons, les prix restent à lancer officiellement. Par puis révisé après une nouvelle annonce.Lune, Saturne, Vénus, Mercure, les lunes de Jupiter, les astéroïdes, les planètes ont beaucoup d'or et d'autres réserves de métaux précieux, estimés à 10 millions de tonnes -4000 millions de tonnes, d'une valeur totale d'environ 830000000000000-960000000000000 dollars et entre le dollar des États-Unis, afin de mesurer l'évaluation réelle d'au moins $ d'abord, peut-être plus. Mais la lune est concerné, plusieurs centaines de billions de dollars de réserves d'or sont autant au moins. Lune est une énorme corne d'abondance, n'a pas de prix riche, les espèces minérales, en plus du fer, le silicium, les mines nucléaires, il y a beaucoup de réserves d'or. Ceux-ci n'ont pas été reconnues peuvent être trouvées dans les fouilles minières raffinage.

«Lunar технологии золотой медали», «Технология Mars Gold», «Лунный Рыцарь технологии», «Марс технологии Knight» коллективно Наука и технологии Международной премии мира, также известный как «Fangruida-приз», всемирно известный физик, астрономия дома, космологи, авиакосмической ученый, профессор Fang Rui Da нетрадиционный высокоскоростной тяжелой ракетного топлива химической технологии изобретатель и Фонд исследований, науки и технологии международного мира Prize Foundation Подготовительный комитет (предварительный), космические технологии исследования дизайна и развития компании, бизнес научно-исследовательский институт технологии и другие международные науки и техники награда, учрежденная для глобального мира могут применяться любые страны, организации, учреждения и частные лица, но нуждаются в соответствующей квалификации 2-3 экспертов и профессоров назначения или рекомендации. Золотая медаль награда делится на техническую Луну, Марс технологии золотой медалью, кавалер ордена технологии Марса, Луны Рыцарь технологий, науки и техники, чтобы поощрить молодых премии людей, главное новшество основных категорий премии, связанные с лунным технологии, развитие и использование Луны, превращение Луны, таких как луна перемещается технология, отработанная технология. В том числе развития Марса, использование Марса, преобразующей Марса, Марс и другие категории основных научно-технических изобретений. не Победители нет предела, человек может повторить победитель, люди могут применить себя. Награды обычно 2-3 людей (команда, организация), а не год премия, награды, время от времени, потому что полноправные требуют много инвестиций и цикла развития основных R & D экспериментов. Ningquewulan награда принципа, если не вакантные отложена. Технологии предшествующего уровня техники было достигнуто или нет в этом диапазоне наград, таких, как детектор, перегрузки обычных химических ракет, космических станций, спутников и т.д., не входит в рамки данного вознаграждения. Основные инновационные изобретения, новые технологии и изобретение нового творения, технологические инновации премии. Мирное использование космического пространства, посадка на Марсе с использованием Марса, реформ Луны, иммиграционная Луны, Марса и развития Луны и использования водных ресурсов и так далее. Это было установлено, цель этой награды. Подготовительный комитет может поручить награду соответствующих организациям применения удостоенных наград прокси удостоенную агент и другие конкретные вопросы. Место Швейцария, Франция, Нью-Йорк, не примет иное решение. На лицевой стороне медали являются луной пейзаж, Марс топографией, многоязычная аббревиатурой «Марс золотой медали», «луна золотой медалью,» слова, и голова хорошо Investor, задняя частью рисунка, рисунка рельефа Земли, и хорошо инвестор говорит: «на Луну и приступили к Марсу, красивой и богатой на небесах ждет это вам. «Медаль Медаль специфическая конструкция должна быть завершена. Интерпретация премии принадлежит Подготовительного комитета или организации по заказу Агентства по развитию в настоящее время все еще находится в стадии подготовки, программы и правила и другие детали, необходимо разработать еще одну модификацию. Поскольку технология Марс, технические Луны принадлежит к передовой технологии в огромный, цикл развития с высокой степенью риски и по другим причинам, награды еще будут официально запущены. к тому времени пересмотрены после дальнейшего уведомления.Луна, Сатурн, Венера, Меркурий, спутники Юпитера, астероиды, планеты имеют много золота и других запасы драгоценных металлов, оцениваются в 10 миллионов тонн -4000 млн тонн, с общей стоимостью около 830000000000000 - 960 триллионов долларов и между долларом США, для того, чтобы измерить фактическую оценку, по крайней мере $ 1,000,000,000,000,000 первых, может быть, больше. Но луна обеспокоена, несколько сот триллионов долларов золотых резервов столько, сколько, по крайней мере. Луна огромный рог изобилия, богатый бесценными, минеральные виды, помимо железа, кремния, ядерные мины, есть много золотых запасов. Они не были признаны, можно найти в горных выработок рафинирования.
"ميدالية القمرية التكنولوجيا الذهب"، "الذهب التكنولوجيا المريخ"، "القمر فارس التكنولوجيا"، "المريخ تكنولوجيا فارس" بشكل جماعي العلوم والتكنولوجيا جائزة نوبل للسلام الدولي، المعروف أيضا باسم "Fangruida على جائزة"، التي كتبها الفيزيائي الشهير عالميا، وعلم الفلك المنزل، علماء الكون والفضاء عالم، أستاذ فانغ روي دا غير التقليدية عالية السرعة الصواريخ الثقيلة التكنولوجيا الكيميائية الوقود مخترع ومؤسسة البحوث والعلوم والتكنولوجيا دولي للسلام جائزة لجنة مؤسسة التحضيرية (مؤقتة)، وتكنولوجيا الفضاء تصميم البحوث وشركة تطوير، والأعمال التجارية معهد بحوث التكنولوجيا وغيرها من الجوائز العلمية والتكنولوجية الدولية أنشئت للعالم عالمي يمكن تطبيق أي الدول والمنظمات والمؤسسات والأفراد، ولكنها تحتاج المؤهلات المناسبة 2-3 من الخبراء وأساتذة ترشيح أو توصية. وتنقسم جائزة الميدالية الذهبية في الميدالية الذهبية تكنولوجيا التقنية القمر والمريخ وفارس وسام التكنولوجيا كوكب المريخ والقمر فارس التكنولوجيا والعلوم والتكنولوجيا لتشجيع جائزة الشباب وابتكار كبير من فئات الجائزة الكبرى المتعلقة بتكنولوجيا القمر والتنمية والاستفادة من القمر، وتحول القمر، مثل نقل القمر التكنولوجيا، التكنولوجيا ناضجة. بما في ذلك تطوير المريخ، واستخدام المريخ، وتحويل المريخ والمريخ وفئات أخرى من الاختراعات العلمية والتكنولوجية الكبرى. جائزة أي حد يمكن لشخص يكرر الفائزين، يمكن للأفراد تنطبق نفسك. الجوائز عادة 2-3 أشخاص (فريق أو منظمة)، وليس للجائزة، جوائز من وقت لآخر لكامل العضوية يتطلب قدرا كبيرا من الاستثمار ودورة تطوير التجارب الكبرى R & D. الجوائز Ningquewulan لمبدأ، إن لم يكن الشواغر تأجيلها. وقد تحقق ما توصلت إليه التكنولوجيا السابقة أم لا في هذه الجوائز المدى، مثل كاشف، والحمولة الزائدة الصواريخ الكيميائية التقليدية، المحطات الفضائية والأقمار الصناعية وغيرها، لا تنتمي إلى نطاق هذه المكافأة. الاختراعات الابتكار الرئيسية، والتكنولوجيات الجديدة واختراع خلق جديد، جائزة الابتكار التكنولوجي. الاستخدام السلمي للفضاء الخارجي، تهبط على سطح المريخ باستخدام المريخ، وإصلاح القمر والهجرة القمر والمريخ وتطوير القمر واستغلال الموارد المائية وهلم جرا. هذا وقد أنشئت لغرض هذه الجائزة. يجوز للجنة التحضيرية يعهد إلى جائزة المنظمات المقابلة وكيل جائزة وكيل تطبيق الجائزة جائزة ومسائل محددة أخرى. المكان سويسرا، فرنسا، نيويورك، تقرر خلاف ذلك. الجانب الأمامي من الميدالية هي المشهد القمر والمريخ التضاريس، واختصار متعدد اللغات من "الميدالية الذهبية المريخ"، "الميدالية القمر الذهب"، والكلمات، ورأس البئر، المستثمر، الجزء الخلفي من نمط ونمط تضاريس الأرض، وكذلك المستثمرين، قائلا: "إلى القمر وشرعت في المريخ، جميلة وغنية في السماء في انتظار هذا لك. "وسام وسام تصميم معين ليتم الانتهاء. جائزة تفسير تناط في اللجنة التحضيرية أو المنظمة بتكليف من وكالة التنمية الآن لا يزال في المرحلة التحضيرية والبرامج واللوائح وغيرها من التفاصيل تحتاج إلى تطوير مزيد من التعديل، ولأن التكنولوجيا كوكب المريخ والقمر الفني ينتمي إلى التكنولوجيا المتطورة إلى ذلك، دورة تطوير عالية المخاطر الضخمة وغيرها من الأسباب، فإن الجوائز لا يزال يتعين رسميا. وبحلول ذلك الوقت المنقحة بعد مزيد من الاعلان..القمر وزحل والزهرة وعطارد، أقمار المشتري والكويكبات والكواكب لديهم الكثير من الذهب وغيرها من احتياطيات المعادن الثمينة، ويقدر ب 10 مليون طن -4000000000 طن، بقيمة إجمالية تبلغ حوالي 830٬000٬000٬000٬000-960٬000٬000٬000٬000 دولار و بين الدولار الأمريكي، وذلك لقياس التقييم الفعلي لل1. $ على الأقل أول، وربما أكثر من ذلك. ولكن القمر هي المعنية، عدة مئات من تريليون دولار من احتياطي الذهب لتصل على الأقل. القمر هو الوفرة الهائلة، لا تقدر بثمن الغنية، والأنواع المعدنية، بالإضافة إلى الحديد والسليكون والألغام النووية، وهناك الكثير من احتياطي الذهب. هذه لم يتم تسجيلها يمكن العثور عليها في الحفريات التعدين التكرير.
"Medalla de oro de la tecnología Lunar", "El oro tecnología de Marte", "caballero de la luna de la tecnología", "Marte tecnología Knight" colectivamente Premio Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Paz, también conocido como "Fangruida-premio", por el físico de fama mundial, la astronomía casa, cosmólogos, científico aeroespacial, profesor de fang Rui Da no tradicional inventor del cohete pesado tecnología química de combustible de alta velocidad y la Fundación de investigación, Ciencia y tecnología de la paz internacional Premio de la Fundación Preparatorio (provisional), diseño de investigación de tecnología espacial y la compañía de desarrollo, los negocios Instituto de Investigación de la tecnología y otras premio de ciencia y tecnología internacionales establecidos para el mundo global puede aplicar cualquiera países, organizaciones, instituciones e individuos, pero necesitan las calificaciones apropiadas 2-3 de expertos y profesores de nominación o recomendación. Concesión de la medalla de oro se divide en medalla de la tecnología de oro Luna, Marte técnica, Caballero de la Orden de la tecnología de Marte, la Luna Caballero de la tecnología, la ciencia y la tecnología para fomentar Premio gente joven, una innovación importante de las principales categorías de premios relacionados con la tecnología lunar, el desarrollo y la utilización de la luna, la transformación de la luna, como la luna se movió la tecnología, la tecnología madura. Incluyendo el desarrollo de Marte, la utilización de Marte, la transformación de Marte, Marte y otras categorías de grandes inventos de ciencia y tecnología. Premio sin límite, una persona puede repetir ganadores, los individuos pueden aplicarse a si mismo. Premios 2-3 personas (equipo, organización), no de la concesión del año, premios de vez en cuando, porque en toda regla requiere una gran cantidad de inversión y el ciclo de desarrollo de los principales experimentos de I + D. premios Ningquewulan al principio, si no las vacantes pospuestas. La tecnología de la técnica anterior se ha logrado o no en este rango de premios, como el detector, la sobrecarga de los cohetes químicos convencionales, estaciones espaciales, satélites, etc., no pertenece al alcance de esta recompensa. Las principales invenciones de innovación, las nuevas tecnologías y la invención de nueva creación, premio de la innovación tecnológica. El uso pacífico del espacio exterior, el aterrizaje en Marte usando Marte, la reforma de la luna, la inmigración Luna, Marte y la Luna el desarrollo y la utilización de los recursos hídricos y así sucesivamente. Se trata de que se estableció el objetivo de este premio. El Comité Preparatorio podrá confiar el premio correspondiente agente organizaciones premio solicitud del premio premio de representación y otros asuntos específicos. Lugar Suiza, Francia, Nueva York, decida otra cosa. La parte frontal de la medalla son el paisaje de la luna, Marte topografía, multi-idioma abreviatura de "medalla de oro Marte", "medalla de oro luna", las palabras, y la cabeza bien Inversor, la parte posterior del modelo, modelo de la topografía de la Tierra, y bien-Inversor diciendo: 'a la luna y se embarcó en Marte, el hermoso y rico en el cielo a la espera de esto. "Medalla Medalla diseño específico a ser finalizados. Interpretación premio recae en el Comité Preparatorio o la organización encargada por la agencia de desarrollo ahora se encuentra todavía en la fase preparatoria, programas y regulaciones y otros detalles tienen que desarrollar una nueva modificación. Debido a que la tecnología de Marte, la Luna técnico pertenece a la tecnología de vanguardia en un enorme, ciclo de desarrollo de alto riesgo y otras razones, los premios fijas que serán lanzados oficialmente. para entonces revisada después de un nuevo anuncio.

"Lunar teknologio ora medalo," "Marso teknologio Oro," "Moon Knight de teknologio", "Marso teknologio Knight" kolektive Scienco kaj Teknologio Internacia pacpremio, ankaŭ konata kiel "Fangruida-premion", de mondfama fizikisto, astronomio hejmo, cosmólogos, aeroespacial sciencisto, profesoro Fang Rui Da ne-tradiciaj rapidega peza raketo karburaĵo kemia teknologio inventinto kaj Research Foundation, Scienco kaj teknologio internaciaj paco premion Fondaĵo Prepara Komitato (provizora), spaco teknologiesplorado dezajno kaj disvolviĝo kompanio, negoco teknologio Esplorinstituto kaj aliaj internaciaj scienco kaj teknologio premion establita por la tutmonda mondo ajn landoj, organizoj, institucioj kaj individuoj povas apliki, sed bezonas la taŭgajn kvalifikoj 2-3 de fakuloj kaj profesoroj de nominación aŭ rekomendo. Ora medalo premion estas dividita en teknika Luno, Marso teknologio ora medalo, Sinjoro de la Ordono de Marso teknologio, Luno Knight de teknologio, scienco kaj teknologio por kuraĝigi junuloj Award, grava novigado de la gravaj premiokategorioj rilataj al luna teknologio, disvolviĝo kaj utiligo de la luno, la luno transformo, kiel ekzemple la luno moviĝis teknologio, matura teknologio. Inkluzive de la evoluo de Marso, Marso utiligo, transformante Marso, Marso kaj aliaj kategorioj de gravaj scienco kaj teknologio inventoj. Premion neniu limo, persono povas ripeti gajnantoj, individuoj povas peti vin mem. Premioj kutime 2-3 homoj (teamo, organizo), ne de la Jara premio, premioj de tempo al tempo pro plenaj postulas multan investon kaj disvolviĝo ciklo de gravaj R & D eksperimentoj. Ningquewulan premiojn al la principo, se ne la liberaj prokrastita. La antaŭan arto teknologio sukcesis aŭ ne en ĉi tiu gamo premiojn, kiel la detektilo, superŝarĝi la konvencia kemiaj raketoj, spacaj stacidomoj, satelitoj, ktp, ĝi ne apartenas al la medio de ĉi tiu rekompenco. La ĉefa novigado inventaĵoj, novaj teknologioj kaj invento de nova kreo, teknologia novigado premion. La paca uzo de kosma spaco, surteriĝante sur Marso uzanta Marso, la Luno reformo, enmigrado Luno, Marso kaj la Luno evoluado kaj utiligo de rimedoj hídricos kaj tiel plu. Ĉi tiu estas la celo de ĉi tiu premio estis establita. La Prepara Komitato povas konfidi la premion respondaj organizoj prokurilo agento premion premion premion aplikon kaj aliaj specifaj aferoj. Loko Svislando, Francio, Nov-Jorko, decidas alie. La antaŭa flanko de la medalo estas la luno pejzaĝo, Marso topografio, plurlingvaj mallongigo de "Mars ora medalo", "luno ora medalo," la vortoj, kaj bone Investor kapo, malantaŭ la ŝablono, la Tera topografio mastro, kaj bone Investor dirante: 'al la luno kaj komencis Marso, la bela kaj riĉa en la ĉielo atendas tion al vi. "Medalo-Medalo specifa dezajno por esti finita. Premion interpreto apartenas al la Prepara Komitato aŭ la organizo komisiita de la disvolviĝo agentejo nun estas ankoraŭ en la prepara stadio, programoj kaj reguloj kaj aliaj detaloj devas evoluigi pli aliigon. Ĉar Marso teknologio, teknika Luno apartenas al la avangardan teknologion en grandega, alta risko disvolviĝo ciklo kaj aliaj kialoj, la premioj ankoraŭ esti oficiale lanĉita. por tiam reviziita post plua anonco.

The golden empire, the gold to build the world(Fangruida)/Louise

  The golden empire, the gold to build the world(Fangruida)/Louise

************************************************************************************************World gold reserves and lunar gold mineral / multilingual control global online version 2016v.01.4

Lunar gold reserves of about 5000-7000 million tons, more than all the gold deposits of the earth, about 600 trillion dollars or more. The lunar gold and the earth's gold mineral resources are slightly different and are more likely to be mined in some ways. According to "The Economist" reported that in 2011 the global gold mining costs may not be less than 1,000 US dollars. Earth exploration and lunar mining are different, the lunar mineral is basically shallow or ground, and the ore distribution is more concentrated, gold content, mechanical mining costs are low, and large-scale mechanized automation operations, benefits may not be lower than the Earth gold Mining. Even if the underground mining, the conditions are easier than the earth mining.

As a result of the increase in costs, in recent years the cost of domestic gold mining has increased year by year. However, gold mining is indeed the most profitable link in the gold industry chain.
The world is now identified gold resources of 89,000 tons, the reserve base of 77,000 tons, reserves of 48,000 tons.
Earth's gold stocks: the world currently exists about 137,400 tons of gold, while the amount of gold on the ground every year is about 2% growth rate. According to experts and finance professors inferred that the crust of gold resources of about 60 trillion tons, more than 10,000 tons per capita. The gold mining in the crust is rather complicated and difficult, and the cost is so high. Therefore, large-scale mining is not feasible. However, the world is now identified gold resources only 89,000 tons, the reserve base of 77,000 tons, reserves of 48,000 tons. As of 2005, the human extraction of gold, but 125,000 tons, accounting for about 600 million of the total reserves, per capita only 20 grams.

Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter satellites and other gold ore about the amount of about 9000 trillion tons, about 7500 trillion dollars as much. Of course, the current mining conditions are not available, the moon is more optimistic about mining. Global Gold Reserves: There are more than 80 countries in the world. South Africa accounts for 50% of the world's gold reserves and reserves, accounting for 38% of the world's reserves; the United States accounts for 12% of the world's identified resources, accounting for 8% of the world's reserves and 12% of the world's reserves. In addition to South Africa and the United States, the main gold resource countries are Russia, Uzbekistan, Australia, Canada, Brazil and so on. Among the world's 80 gold-producing countries, the Americas account for 33% of the world's total (including Latin America 12%, Canada 7%, US 14%); Africa accounted for 28% (22% of South Africa); Asia Pacific 29% (Australia Accounting for 13%, China accounted for 7%). With an annual output of more than 100 tons of countries, in addition to the previously mentioned five countries, there are Indonesia and Russia. The annual output of 50 tons -100 tons of countries are Peru, Uzbekistan, Ghana, Brazil and Papua New Guinea. In addition, Mexico, the Philippines, Zimbabwe, Mali, Kyrgyzstan, South Korea, Argentina, Bolivia, Guyana, Guinea, Kazakhstan is also an important gold producer.

According to the World Gold Council, the world's gold reserves are: 8133.5 tons in the United States, 3412.6 tons in Germany, 3217.3 tons in the World Monetary Fund, 2508.8 tons in France, 2451.8 tons in Italy, 1054 tons in China, 1040.1 tons in Switzerland, SPDR in gold Trust (ETF Fund) 1024 tons, Japan 765.2 tons, the Netherlands 621.4 tons.
The world's largest treasury is located in the financial district of New York's Federal Reserve Bank's underground treasury. The underground vault is located 180 meters below the free road, with half the size of the football field, keeping one-third of the capitalist world's official gold reserves, a total of 13,000 tons of gold, enjoy the "world's largest treasury" reputation.

 Location Production of mining companies in 2011
 Burton Dayton, Australia 741,000 ounces of Newmont Mining open pit mining
 Karl Gulli, Australia 750,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
 Santiago, Peru 770,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
 Caltonville, South Africa 792,000 ounces of Ange Lu Aashan company underground mining
 Kesi Dobo, South Africa 831,000 ounces of Ange Lu Aashan company underground mining
 San Juan, Argentina 957,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
 Nevada, USA 1,088,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining both underground mining
 Cahamaca, Peru 1,293,000 ounces of Newmont Mining, World Bank open pit mining
 Nevada, USA 1,421,000 ounces of Barrick Gold Company open pit mining
 Papua, Indonesia 1,444,000 ounces of free port - McMullan copper gold company open pit mining underground mining both.
According to the World Bank report, global GDP in 2015 reached 74 trillion US dollars. China, GDP accounted for 14.84%; ranked third, fourth countries are Japan, Germany, accounting for 5.91% of the total, %, 4.54%.

According to World Bank statistics, real estate is about $ 1,000 trillion in cash of $ 200 trillion. The total wealth of mankind around the world is: $ 2,400 billion ($ 241 trillion.)

L'empire doré, l'or pour construire le monde (Fangruida)
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Les réserves d'or lunaire d'environ 5000-7000 millions de tonnes, plus que tous les dépôts d'or de la terre, environ 600 trillions de dollars ou plus. L'or lunaire et les ressources minérales aurifères de la Terre sont légèrement différentes et sont plus susceptibles d'être exploitées à certains égards. Selon "The Economist", en 2011, les coûts globaux de l'exploitation minière aurifère ne devraient pas dépasser 1000 dollars américains. L'exploration de la Terre et l'exploitation minière lunaire sont différentes, le minerai lunaire est fondamentalement peu profond ou au sol, et la distribution du minerai est plus concentrée, la teneur en or, les coûts miniers mécaniques sont faibles et les opérations d'automatisation mécanisées à grande échelle, les avantages peuvent ne pas être inférieurs à la Terre Or Mining. Même si l'exploitation minière souterraine, les conditions sont plus faciles que l'exploitation minière terrestre.

En raison de l'augmentation des coûts, ces dernières années, le coût de l'extraction aurifère domestique a augmenté d'année en année. Cependant, l'extraction de l'or est en effet le lien le plus rentable dans la chaîne de l'industrie de l'or.
Le monde est désormais identifié comme source d'or de 89 000 tonnes, la base de réserve de 77 000 tonnes, des réserves de 48 000 tonnes.
Les stocks d'or de la terre: le monde existe actuellement d'environ 137 400 tonnes d'or, tandis que la quantité d'or au sol chaque année est d'environ 2% de taux de croissance. Selon les experts et les professeurs de finances, a conclu que la croûte de ressources en or d'environ 60 trillions de tonnes, plus de 10 000 tonnes par habitant. L'extraction de l'or dans la croûte est plutôt compliquée et difficile, et le coût est si élevé. Par conséquent, l'exploitation minière à grande échelle n'est pas réalisable. Cependant, le monde est désormais identifié comme ressources en or seulement 89 000 tonnes, la base de réserve de 77 000 tonnes, des réserves de 48 000 tonnes. En 2005, l'extraction humaine de l'or, mais 125 000 tonnes, représentant environ 600 millions de réserves totales, par habitant, seulement 20 grammes.

Les satellites Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter et d'autres minerais d'or d'environ 9000 trillions de tonnes, soit environ 7500 trillions de dollars. Bien sûr, les conditions minières actuelles ne sont pas disponibles, la lune est plus optimiste quant à l'exploitation minière. Global Gold Reserves: il y a plus de 80 pays dans le monde. L'Afrique du Sud représente 50% des réserves et réserves mondiales d'or, représentant 38% des réserves mondiales; Les États-Unis représentent 12% des ressources identifiées du monde, représentant 8% des réserves mondiales et 12% des réserves mondiales. En plus de l'Afrique du Sud et des États-Unis, les principaux pays de ressources aurifères sont la Russie, l'Ouzbékistan, l'Australie, le Canada, le Brésil et ainsi de suite. Parmi les 80 pays producteurs d'or du monde, les Amériques représentent 33% du total mondial (dont l'Amérique latine 12%, le Canada 7%, les États-Unis 14%); L'Afrique représentait 28% (22% de l'Afrique du Sud); Asie-Pacifique 29% (Australie comptant pour 13%, la Chine représentait 7%). Avec une production annuelle de plus de 100 tonnes de pays, en plus des cinq pays mentionnés précédemment, il y a l'Indonésie et la Russie. La production annuelle de 50 tonnes -100 tonnes de pays est le Pérou, l'Ouzbékistan, le Ghana, le Brésil et la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée. En outre, le Mexique, les Philippines, le Zimbabwe, le Mali, le Kirghizistan, la Corée du Sud, l'Argentine, la Bolivie, le Guyana, la Guinée et le Kazakhstan sont également un important producteur d'or.

Selon le World Gold Council, les réserves d'or mondiales sont: 8133,5 tonnes aux États-Unis, 3412,6 tonnes en Allemagne, 3217,3 tonnes dans le Fonds monétaire mondial, 2508,8 tonnes en France, 2451,8 tonnes en Italie, 1054 tonnes en Chine, 1040,1 tonnes En Suisse, SPDR in Gold Trust (Fonds FNB) 1024 tonnes, Japon 765,2 tonnes, Pays-Bas 621,4 tonnes.
Le plus grand trésor du monde est situé dans le quartier financier du Trésor souterrain de la Réserve fédérale de New York. La voûte souterraine est située à 180 mètres au-dessous de la route libre, avec la moitié du terrain de football, en gardant un tiers des réserves officielles d'or du capitaliste mondial, un total de 13 000 tonnes d'or, profite de la réputation du «plus grand trésor mondial».

 Lieu Production de sociétés minières en 2011
 Burton Dayton, Australie 741 000 onces d'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert Newmont Mining
 Karl Gulli, Australie 750 000 onces d'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert Barrick Gold Company
 Santiago, Pérou 770 000 onces d'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert de Barrick Gold Company
 Caltonville, Afrique du Sud 792 000 onces d'exploitation minière souterraine de l'entreprise Ange Lu Aashan
 Kesi Dobo, Afrique du Sud 831 000 onces d'exploitation minière souterraine de l'entreprise Ange Lu Aashan
 San Juan, Argentine 957 000 onces d'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert Barrick Gold Company
 Nevada, États-Unis, 1 088 000 onces de Barrick Gold Company, exploitation à ciel ouvert à la fois mineur souterrain
 Cahamaca, Pérou 1,293,000 onces de Newmont Mining, Banque mondiale à ciel ouvert
 Nevada, États-Unis, 1 421 000 onces d'exploitation minière à ciel ouvert Barrick Gold Company
 Papouasie, Indonésie, 1 444 000 onces de port gratuit - McMullan, compagnie d'or de cuivre à ciel ouvert, exploitation minière souterraine à la fois.
Selon le rapport de la Banque mondiale,

Золотая империя, золото, чтобы построить мир (Fangruida)
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Запасы лунного золота составляют около 5000-7000 миллионов тонн, больше, чем все золоторудные месторождения Земли, около 600 триллионов долларов или более. Луны золота и минеральных ресурсов земли немного отличаются и, скорее всего, будут добываться в некотором роде. По данным «The Economist», в 2011 году мировые затраты на золотодобычу могут составлять не менее 1000 долларов США. Разведка Земли и лунная добыча различны, лунный минерал в основном неглубокий или измельченный, а распределение руды более концентрированное, содержание золота, затраты на механическую добычу низки, а крупномасштабные механизированные операции автоматизации, выгоды могут быть не ниже Земли добыча золота. Даже если подземная добыча, условия легче, чем земляная добыча.

В результате увеличения издержек в последние годы стоимость внутренней добычи золота увеличивалась из года в год. Однако добыча золота действительно является наиболее прибыльным звеном в цепочке золотодобычи.
В мире сейчас определены золотовалютные ресурсы 89 000 тонн, резервная база 77 000 тонн, запасы 48 000 тонн.
Запасы золота в мире: в мире в настоящее время существует около 137 400 тонн золота, а количество золота на земле каждый год составляет около 2%. По мнению экспертов и профессоров финансов, было установлено, что кора золотых ресурсов составляет около 60 трлн. Тонн, более 10 000 тонн на душу населения. Добыча золота в земной коре довольно сложна и сложна, и стоимость настолько высока. Поэтому крупномасштабная добыча не представляется возможной. Тем не менее, в мире теперь определены золотые ресурсы только 89 000 тонн, резервная база 77 000 тонн, запасы 48 000 тонн. По состоянию на 2005 год человеческая добыча золота, но 125 000 тонн, составляет около 600 миллионов от общего объема запасов, на душу населения - всего 20 граммов.

Марса, Венеры, Меркурия, спутников Юпитера и других золотых руд на сумму около 9000 трлн. Тонн, что примерно на 7500 триллионов долларов. Конечно, текущие условия добычи недоступны, луна более оптимистично относится к добыче полезных ископаемых. Глобальные запасы золота: в мире насчитывается более 80 стран. На долю Южной Африки приходится 50% мировых запасов и запасов золота, на которые приходится 38% мировых запасов; На долю США приходится 12% мировых ресурсов, на которые приходится 8% мировых запасов и 12% мировых запасов. В дополнение к Южной Африке и Соединенным Штатам основными странами с золотыми ресурсами являются Россия, Узбекистан, Австралия, Канада, Бразилия и так далее. Среди 80 стран мира, занимающихся добычей золота, на Америку приходится 33% всего мира (в том числе Латинская Америка - 12%, Канада - 7%, США - 14%); На долю Африки приходилось 28% (22% Южной Африки); Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион - 29% (Австралия - 13%, Китай - 7%). При ежегодном выпуске более 100 тонн стран помимо ранее упомянутых пяти стран есть Индонезия и Россия. Годовой объем производства 50 тонн - 100 тонн стран - это Перу, Узбекистан, Гана, Бразилия и Папуа-Новая Гвинея. Кроме того, важным производителем золота являются Мексика, Филиппины, Зимбабве, Мали, Кыргызстан, Южная Корея, Аргентина, Боливия, Гайана, Гвинея, Казахстан.

По данным Всемирного золотого совета, мировые золотовалютные резервы составляют 8133,5 тонны в Соединенных Штатах, 3412,6 тонны в Германии, 3217,3 тонны во Всемирном валютном фонде, 2508,8 тонны во Франции, 2451,8 тонны в Италии, 1054 тонны в Китае, 1040,1 тонны В Швейцарии, SPDR в золоте Trust (фонд ETF) 1024 тонны, Япония - 765,2 тонны, Нидерланды - 621,4 тонны.
Крупнейшая в мире казначейство находится в финансовом районе нью-йоркской государственной резервной системы Федерального резервного банка. Подземный свод расположен на 180 метрах ниже свободной дороги, с половиной размера футбольного поля, сохраняя одну треть официальных запасов золота капиталистического мира, в общей сложности 13 000 тонн золота, пользуется репутацией «самой большой в мире казны».

 Место производства горнодобывающих компаний в 2011 году
 Burton Dayton, Австралия 741 000 унций добычи полезных ископаемых Newmont Mining
 Карл Гулли, Австралия 750 тыс. Унций добычи открытым карьером компании Barrick Gold
 Сантьяго, Перу 770 000 унций добычи Barrick Gold Company
 Caltonville, Южная Африка 792 000 унций компании Ange Lu Aashan подземной добычи
 Kesi Dobo, Южная Африка 831 000 унций компании Ange Lu Aashan подземной добычи
 Сан-Хуан, Аргентина 957 000 унций открытой добычи Barrick Gold Company
 Невада, США 1,088,000 унций добычи Barrick Gold Company, добыча как подземных рудников
 Кахамака, Перу 1,293,000 унций Newmont Mining, Добыча открытым карьером Всемирного банка
 Невада, США 1,421,000 унций добычи Barrick Gold Company
 Папуа, Индонезия 1,444,000 унций свободного порта - McMullan медно-золотая компания открытая добыча подземных горных и.
Согласно докладу Всемирного банка,

Das goldene Reich, das Gold, um die Welt zu bauen (Fangruida)
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Lunar Goldreserven von etwa 5000-7000 Millionen Tonnen, mehr als alle Goldvorkommen der Erde, etwa 600 Billionen Dollar oder mehr. Das Mondgold und die Erdmineralressourcen der Erde sind etwas anders und werden in mancher Hinsicht eher abgebaut. Laut "The Economist" berichtet, dass im Jahr 2011 die globalen Gold-Mining-Kosten nicht weniger als 1.000 US-Dollar. Erd-Explorations- und Mondabbau sind unterschiedlich, das Mondmineral ist grundsätzlich flach oder gemahlen, und die Erzverteilung ist konzentrierter, Goldgehalt, mechanische Bergbaukosten sind niedrig und groß angelegte mechanisierte Automatisierungsoperationen, Vorteile sind möglicherweise nicht niedriger als die Erde Gold schürfen. Auch wenn der unterirdische Bergbau, die Bedingungen sind einfacher als der Erdbergbau.

Infolge der Kostensteigerung haben sich in den letzten Jahren die Kosten für den inländischen Goldbergbau von Jahr zu Jahr erhöht. Allerdings ist Gold-Bergbau in der Tat die profitabelste Verbindung in der Gold-Industrie-Kette.
Die Welt ist jetzt identifiziert Gold Ressourcen von 89.000 Tonnen, die Reserve Basis von 77.000 Tonnen, Reserven von 48.000 Tonnen.
Die Goldbestände der Erde: Die Welt existiert derzeit etwa 137.400 Tonnen Gold, während die Menge an Gold auf dem Boden jedes Jahr etwa 2% Wachstumsrate ist. Laut Experten und Finanzen Professoren gefolgert, dass die Kruste von Gold-Ressourcen von etwa 60 Billionen Tonnen, mehr als 10.000 Tonnen pro Kopf. Der Goldbergbau in der Kruste ist ziemlich kompliziert und schwierig, und die Kosten sind so hoch. Daher ist ein Großabbau nicht möglich. Allerdings ist die Welt jetzt identifiziert Gold Ressourcen nur 89.000 Tonnen, die Reserve Basis von 77.000 Tonnen, Reserven von 48.000 Tonnen. Ab 2005, die menschliche Extraktion von Gold, aber 125.000 Tonnen, die etwa 600 Millionen der gesamten Reserven, pro Kopf nur 20 Gramm.

Mars, Venus, Quecksilber, Jupitersatelliten und andere Golderz über die Menge von etwa 9000 Billionen Tonnen, etwa 7500 Billionen Dollar so viel. Natürlich sind die aktuellen Bergbaubedingungen nicht verfügbar, der Mond ist optimistischer über den Bergbau. Global Gold Reserves: Es gibt mehr als 80 Länder der Welt. Südafrika macht 50% der weltweiten Goldreserven und -reserven aus und macht 38% der weltweiten Reserven aus. Die Vereinigten Staaten machen 12% der weltweit identifizierten Ressourcen aus und machen 8% der weltweiten Reserven aus und 12% der weltweiten Reserven. Neben Südafrika und den Vereinigten Staaten sind die wichtigsten Gold-Ressourcen-Länder Russland, Usbekistan, Australien, Kanada, Brasilien und so weiter. Unter den 80 Goldproduktionsländern der Welt machen die Amerikas 33% der Gesamtbevölkerung aus (ua Lateinamerika 12%, Kanada 7%, US 14%); Afrika entfielen 28% (22% Südafrikas); Asien-Pazifik 29% (Australien für 13%, China entfielen 7%). Mit einer jährlichen Produktion von mehr als 100 Tonnen Ländern, zusätzlich zu den oben genannten fünf Ländern gibt es Indonesien und Russland. Die jährliche Produktion von 50 Tonnen -100 Tonnen Länder sind Peru, Usbekistan, Ghana, Brasilien und Papua-Neuguinea. Darüber hinaus ist Mexiko, die Philippinen, Simbabwe, Mali, Kirgisistan, Südkorea, Argentinien, Bolivien, Guyana, Guinea, Kasachstan auch ein bedeutender Goldproduzent.

Nach dem World Gold Council sind die Goldreserven der Welt: 8133,5 Tonnen in den Vereinigten Staaten, 3412,6 Tonnen in Deutschland, 3217,3 Tonnen im Weltwährungsfonds, 2508,8 Tonnen in Frankreich, 2451,8 Tonnen in Italien, 1054 Tonnen in China, 1040,1 Tonnen In der Schweiz, SPDR in Gold Trust (ETF Fund) 1024 Tonnen, Japan 765,2 Tonnen, Niederlande 621,4 Tonnen.
Die weltgrößte Schatzkammer befindet sich im Finanzbezirk der New Yorker Federal Reserve Bank Underground Treasury. Das unterirdische Gewölbe befindet sich 180 Meter unterhalb der freien Straße, mit der Hälfte der Größe des Fußballfeldes und hält ein Drittel der offiziellen Goldreserven der kapitalistischen Welt, insgesamt 13.000 Tonnen Gold, genießen die "weltgrößte Schatzkammer" Reputation.

 Standort Produktion von Bergbauunternehmen im Jahr 2011
 Burton Dayton, Australien 741.000 Unzen Newmont Bergbau Tagebau
 Karl Gulli, Australien 750.000 Unzen Barrick Gold Company Open Grube Bergbau
 Santiago, Peru 770.000 Unzen Barrick Gold Company Open Grube Bergbau
 Caltonville, Südafrika 792.000 Unzen Ange Lu Aashan Unternehmen unter Tage Bergbau
 Kesi Dobo, Südafrika 831.000 Unzen Ange Lu Aashan Unternehmen unter Tage Bergbau
 San Juan, Argentinien 957.000 Unzen Barrick Gold Company Open Grube Bergbau
 Nevada, USA 1.088.000 Unzen Barrick Gold Company offenen Grubenbergbau sowohl unter Tage Bergbau
 Cahamaca, Peru 1.293.000 Unzen Newmont Mining, Weltbank Open Grube Bergbau
 Nevada, USA 1.421.000 Unzen Barrick Gold Company offenen Grubenbergbau
 Papua, Indonesien 1.444.000 Unzen freien Hafen - McMullan Kupfer Gold Unternehmen Open Grube Bergbau Untertage Bergbau beide.
Nach dem Bericht der Weltbank,

الإمبراطورية الذهبية، والذهب لبناء العالم (فانغرويدا)
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احتياطيات الذهب القمرية من حوالي 5000-7000 مليون طن، أكثر من جميع ودائع الذهب من الأرض، حوالي 600 تريليون دولار أو أكثر. فالذهب القمرى وموارد الذهب الذهبية فى الارض مختلفة قليلا، ومن المحتمل ان يتم استخراجها من بعض النواحي. ووفقا ل "الإيكونوميست" ذكرت أنه في عام 2011 قد لا تكون تكاليف التعدين الذهب العالمي أقل من 1000 دولار أمريكي. استكشاف الأرض والتعدين القمري مختلفة، والمعادن القمرية هي في الأساس الضحلة أو الأرض، وتوزيع خام أكثر تركيزا، ومحتوى الذهب، وتكاليف التعدين الميكانيكية منخفضة، وعمليات التشغيل الآلي الميكانيكي على نطاق واسع، فوائد قد لا تكون أقل من الأرض الذهب التعدين. حتى لو التعدين تحت الأرض، والظروف هي أسهل من التعدين الأرض.

ونتيجة للزيادة في التكاليف، زادت تكلفة التعدين المحلي للذهب في السنوات الأخيرة عاما تلو الآخر. ومع ذلك، تعد تعدين الذهب في الواقع أكثر الروابط ربحية في سلسلة صناعة الذهب.
تم تحديد العالم الآن موارد الذهب من 89،000 طن، وقاعدة احتياطية من 77،000 طن، واحتياطيات 48،000 طن.
أسهم الذهب الأرض: العالم موجود حاليا حوالي 137400 طن من الذهب، في حين أن كمية الذهب على الأرض كل عام حوالي 2٪ معدل النمو. ووفقا للخبراء وأساتذة المالية استدلت أن قشرة من موارد الذهب من حوالي 60 تريليون طن، أكثر من 10،000 طن للفرد الواحد. تعد تعدين الذهب في القشرة معقدة نوعا ما وصعبة، والتكلفة عالية جدا. ولذلك، فإن التعدين على نطاق واسع ليس ممكنا. ومع ذلك، يتم تحديد العالم الآن موارد الذهب فقط 89،000 طن، وقاعدة احتياطية من 77،000 طن، واحتياطيات 48،000 طن. واعتبارا من عام 2005، واستخراج الإنسان من الذهب، ولكن 125،000 طن، وهو ما يمثل حوالي 600 مليون من إجمالي الاحتياطيات، ونصيب الفرد فقط 20 غراما.

المريخ، كوكب الزهرة، الزئبق، وأقمار كوكب المشتري وغيرها من خام الذهب حول كمية حوالي 9000 تريليون طن، حوالي 75000000000000 دولار. وبطبيعة الحال، فإن ظروف التعدين الحالية ليست متوفرة، والقمر هو أكثر تفاؤلا بشأن التعدين. احتياطيات الذهب العالمية: هناك أكثر من 80 بلدا في العالم. وتشكل جنوب أفريقيا 50٪ من احتياطي الذهب العالمي واحتياطياته، وهو ما يمثل 38٪ من احتياطيات العالم؛ تمثل الولايات المتحدة 12٪ من الموارد المحددة في العالم، وتمثل 8٪ من احتياطيات العالم و 12٪ من احتياطيات العالم. بالإضافة إلى جنوب أفريقيا والولايات المتحدة، والدول الرئيسية الذهب الموارد هي روسيا وأوزبكستان وأستراليا وكندا والبرازيل وهلم جرا. ومن بين 80 بلدا منتجة للذهب في العالم، تمثل الأمريكتان 33 في المائة من المجموع العالمي (بما في ذلك أمريكا اللاتينية 12 في المائة، وكندا 7 في المائة، والولايات المتحدة 14 في المائة)؛ وشكلت أفريقيا 28 في المائة (22 في المائة من جنوب أفريقيا)؛ آسيا والمحيط الهادئ 29٪ (أستراليا المحاسبة عن 13٪، وشكلت الصين ل 7٪). مع انتاج سنوي من أكثر من 100 طن من البلدان، بالإضافة إلى البلدان الخمسة المذكورة سابقا، وهناك اندونيسيا وروسيا. والانتاج السنوى البالغ 50 طنا - 100 طن من الدول هى بيرو واوزبكستان وغانا والبرازيل وبابوا نيو غينيا. وبالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإن المكسيك والفلبين وزمبابوي ومالي وقيرغيزستان وكوريا الجنوبية والأرجنتين وبوليفيا وغيانا وغينيا وكازاخستان هي أيضا منتج هام للذهب.

وذكر المجلس العالمى للذهب ان احتياطى الذهب العالمى يبلغ 8133.5 طن فى الولايات المتحدة و 3412.6 طن فى المانيا و 3217.3 طن فى صندوق النقد العالمى و 2508.8 طن فى فرنسا و 2451.8 طن فى ايطاليا و 1054 طن فى الصين و 1040.1 طن في سويسرا، سبدر في الذهب الثقة (صندوق إتف) 1024 طن، اليابان 765.2 طن، هولندا 621.4 طن.
وتقع أكبر خزينة في العالم في المنطقة المالية من الخزانة تحت الأرض للبنك الاحتياطي الفدرالي في نيويورك. يقع القبو تحت الارض على بعد 180 مترا تحت الطريق الحر، مع نصف حجم ملعب كرة القدم، مع الحفاظ على ثلث احتياطيات الذهب الرسمية الرأسمالية في العالم، أي ما مجموعه 13،000 طن من الذهب، وتتمتع بسمعة "أكبر خزينة في العالم".

 الموقع إنتاج شركات التعدين في عام 2011
 بيرتون دايتون، أستراليا 741،000 أوقية من نيومونت التعدين التعدين حفرة مفتوحة
 كارل غولي، أستراليا 750،000 أوقية من شركة باريك الذهب التعدين حفرة مفتوحة
 سانتياغو، بيرو 770،000 أوقية من شركة باريك الذهب التعدين حفرة مفتوحة
 كالتونفيل، جنوب أفريقيا 792،000 أوقية من شركة أنج لو أشان التعدين تحت الأرض
 كيسي دوبو، جنوب أفريقيا 831،000 أوقية من أنج لو آشان شركة التعدين تحت الأرض
 سان خوان، الأرجنتين 957،000 أوقية من شركة باريك الذهب التعدين حفرة مفتوحة
 نيفادا، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية 1،088،000 أوقية من شركة باريك الذهب التعدين حفرة مفتوحة على حد سواء التعدين تحت الأرض
 كاهاماكا، بيرو 1،293،000 أوقية من نيومونت التعدين، البنك الدولي التعدين حفرة مفتوحة
 نيفادا، الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية 1،421،000 أوقية من شركة باريك الذهب التعدين حفرة مفتوحة
 بابوا، اندونيسيا 1،444،000 أوقية من ميناء الحرة - مكمولان شركة الذهب النحاس التعدين حفرة مفتوحة التعدين تحت الأرض على حد سواء.
ووفقا لتقرير البنك الدولي،

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月の金の埋蔵量は約5000-7000万トンで、地球のすべての金鉱床よりも約600兆ドル以上です。月の金と地球の金の鉱物資源は若干異なり、いくつかの点で採掘される可能性が高い。 "エコノミスト"によると、2011年に世界の金鉱山のコストは1,000米ドル未満ではないかもしれないと報告した。地球探査と月の採掘は異なっており、月の鉱物は基本的に浅いか地面であり、鉱石の分布はより集中しており、金の含有量、機械の採掘コストは低く、大規模な機械化された自動化作業は、金鉱採掘。地下鉱業であっても、地雷採掘よりも条件が簡単です。

地球の金の在庫:世界は現在約137,400トンの金が存在し、地面の金の量は毎年約2%の成長率です。専門家と財務の教授によると、約60兆トンの金資源の地殻、1万人以上の人が推測した。地殻の金採掘はかなり複雑で難しく、コストも非常に高いです。したがって、大規模な採掘は実現不可能である。しかし世界は現在、金資源が89,000トン、埋蔵量が77,000トン、埋蔵量が48,000トンと確認されています。 2005年現在、人の金の抽出が、125000トン、総埋蔵量の約6億人を占め、一人当たりわずか20グラム。

火星、金星、水星、木星衛星などの金鉱石の量は約9000兆トンで、約7500兆ドルほどです。もちろん、現在の鉱業の条件は利用できません。月は鉱業について楽観的です。世界の金準備:世界に80カ国以上があります。南アフリカは世界の金準備と埋蔵量の50%を占め、世界の埋蔵量の38%を占めている。米国は世界の特定埋蔵量の12%を占め、世界の埋蔵量の8%、世界の埋蔵量の12%を占めています。南アフリカと米国に加えて、主要な金資源国は、ロシア、ウズベキスタン、オーストラリア、カナダ、ブラジルなどです。世界の80の金生産国の中では、世界の合計(ラテンアメリカ12%、カナダ7%、米国14%を含む)の33%を占める。アフリカは28%(南アフリカの22%)を占めています。アジア太平洋29%(オーストラリアは13%、中国は7%) 100トン以上の国々の年間生産量に加えて、前述の5カ国に加えて、インドネシアとロシアがあります。ペルー、ウズベキスタン、ガーナ、ブラジル、パプアニューギニアの各国の年間生産量は50トン-100トンです。さらに、メキシコ、フィリピン、ジンバブエ、マリ、キルギス、韓国、アルゼンチン、ボリビア、ガイアナ、ギニア、カザフスタンも重要な金生産国です。

World Gold Councilによると、世界の金準備は、米国で8133.5トン、ドイツで3412.6トン、世界通貨基金で3217.3トン、フランスで2508.8トン、イタリアで2451.8トン、中国で1054トン、1040.1トンスイスでは、金信託(ETFファンド)のSPDRは1024トン、日本は765.2トン、オランダは621.4トン。

 Karl Gulli、オーストラリアBarrick Gold Companyのオープンピット鉱山75万オンス
 ペルーのサンティアゴ7万7000オンスのBarrick Gold Companyオープンピット・マイニング
 Caltonville、南アフリカ共和国Ange Lu Aashan社の地下鉱山792,000オンス
 Kesi Dobo、南アフリカ831,000オンスのAnge Lu Aashan社の地下鉱山
 ネバダ州、アメリカ合衆国1,088,000オンスのBarrick Gold Companyオープンピット鉱業
 ネバダ、米国Barrick Gold Companyのオープンピット鉱山1,421,000オンス
 パプア、インドネシア1,444,000オンスの自由港 - McMullan銅金会社オープンピット鉱山地下鉱業。